Activities and events for families in the Lake Houston area and beyond.
The Whole Kid and Kaboodle Publication is geared toward your ease and convenience in determining worthwhile activities for your family while also educating you and delighting you with articles from leaders and experts. The magazine has been a ministry to the community since 2013 and is now taking the step forward to be a revenue stream supporting TiMMark Angels. Advertisers and Sponsors now, not only support the Magazine Ministry, but TiMMark Angels as well.
Advertise in Our Magazine
The Whole Kid and Kaboodle began with a desire to publish good, helpful and wholesome information as well as kid friendly events and to make it readily available to families, ie parents, grandparents, aunts and uncles. With this accomplished, the next step was to add advertisers who would enhance useful and helpful information to a greater degree. The secondary goal then was to increase readership in order to ensure that advertisers have a positive experience.
Jerri Bankston, the founder of the magazine has had an extensive career with promoting businesses, first with her own for 20 plus years and then to the Lake Houston Chamber where she served on staff as Director of Membership. Duties for this position were just an extension of what she had done for years except the passion was applied to other businesses instead of the family business. Upon retiring from the chamber and deciding to begin her first publishing venture, she discovered that the passion she has always had for the business owner, whether it be an established venture or a start-up, is still strong and alive.
We go the extra mile to promote your business and make sure your message is seen so consider giving us a chance to let everyone know about you.